Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Meaning Of French Expression Avoir LEsprit DEscalier

Meaning Of French Expression Avoir LEsprit DEscalier â€Å"Avoir l’esprit d’escalier† - or sometimes â€Å"avoir l’esprit de l’escalier† is yet another weird French idiom. Literally, it means to have the wit of the staircase. So it means nothing really!   Synonyms of Avoir lEsprit dEscalier in French and English In English, you sometimes call this â€Å"escalator wit†, or afterwit. It means to make a witty comeback, to answer someone in a witty (and fast) way. Its something the French really admire and are trained to do as part of our national sport: arguing and debating. To say to make a witty comeback, we use the expression â€Å"avoir de la rà ©partie†. So here, we could say â€Å"manquer de rà ©partie†, â€Å"ne pas savoir rà ©pliquer sur le moment†, â€Å"perdre ses moyens†. Example of Escalator Wit in French and English Moi, je manque cruellement de rà ©partie. Quand je me sens attaquà ©e, je perds tous mes moyens, je bredouille... et puis quand je suis rentrà ©e chez moi, je trouve plein de rà ©pliques fantastiques. Jai vraiment lesprit descalier. I desperately lack the ability to make witty comebacks. When I feel threatened, I lose my cool, I stutter... and once Im back home, I find lots of great comebacks. I really have an escalator wit. Origin of the French Idiom â€Å"Avoir l’Esprit d’Escalier† The philosopher Diderot wrote around 1775: â€Å" « ...lhomme sensible comme moi, tout entier ce quon lui objecte, perd la tà ªte et ne se retrouve quau bas de lescalier  ». Which translates  to: â€Å"The sensitive man such as myself, entirely absorbed by things that are being objected to him, loses his mind and recovers it only at the bottom of the stairs†. He meant that if someone opposed him in a conversation, he was so upset by it that he couldn’t concentrate anymore, and that it’s only once he had left, and reached the bottom of the staircase (therefore too late), that he could come up with a good answer.   French stairs Speaking of lescalier, remember French people do not count their stairs the way Americans do.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Gertrude Stein Quotes

Gertrude Stein Quotes American expatriate writer, her Paris home was a salon for artists and writers between the two World Wars. She lived with her companion Alice B. Toklas from 1912 until her death. Selected Gertrude Stein Quotations It takes a lot of time to be a genius, you have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing. Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. Paris was the place that suited us who were to create the twentieth century art and literature. A diary means yes indeed. When they are alone they want to be with others, and when they are with others they want to be alone. After all, human beings are like that. Artists do not experiment. Experiment is what scientists do; they initiate an operation of unknown factors to be instructed by its results. An artist puts down what he knows and at every moment it is what he knows at that moment. It is funny the two things most men are proudest of is the thing that any man can do and doing does in the same way, that is being drunk and being the father of their son. The Jews have produced only three originative geniuses: Christ, Spinoza, and myself. In the United States there is more space where nobody is than where anybody is. This is what makes America what it is. Americans are very friendly and very suspicious, that is what Americans are and that is what always upsets the foreigner, who deals with them, they are so friendly how can they be so suspicious they are so suspicious how can they be so friendly but they just are. Communists are people who fancied that they had an unhappy childhood. Let me listen to me and not to them. The minute you or anybody else knows what you are you are not it, you are what you or anybody else knows you are and as everything in living is made up of finding out what you are it is extraordinarily difficult really not to know what you are and yet to be that thing. We are always the same age inside. Any one doing something and standing is one doing something and standing. Some one was doing something and was standing. Any one doing something and standing is one doing something and standing. Any one doing something and standing is one who is standing and doing something. Some one was doing something and was standing. That one was doing something standing. I do want to get rich, but I never want to do what there is to get rich. Silent gratitude isnt very much use to anyone. The composition is the thing seen by everyone living in the living they are doing, they are the composing of the composition that at the time they are living is the composition of the time in which they are living. I like a view but I like to sit with my back turned to it. A vegetable garden in the beginning looks so promising and then after all little by little it grows nothing but vegetables, nothing, nothing but vegetables. Money is always there but the pockets change. The thing that differentiates man from animals is money. If you can do it then why do it? The nineteenth century believed in science but the twentieth century does not. It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself. Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. Explore Womens Voices and Womens History Womens Voices - About Womens QuotesBiographiesToday in Womens History About These Quotes Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis. Each quotation page in this collection and the entire collection  © Jone Johnson Lewis. This is an informal collection assembled over many years. I regret that I am not be able to provide the original source if it is not listed with the quote. Citation information:Jone Johnson Lewis. Gertrude Stein Quotes. About Womens History. URL: . Date accessed: (today). (More on how to cite online sources including this page)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Management in a Global Environment Assignment - 2

Strategic Management in a Global Environment - Assignment Example Other issues that may also arise include the lack of infrastructure which may result to challenges during distribution of the products and supply management. In order to conquer entry barriers, the market has to choose to go it alone, form partnership or employ local players. c) Strategies to build profitable position. After finding entry strategies, the next thing leaders should focus on is ways on creating defensible position that will meet the businesses long term goals (World Bank & International Finance Corporation, 2013). This can be achieved through understanding of their competitors, marking the target customers and finally through configuration of their local operations in order to deliver your capabilities efficiently. BRICS is an acronym that stands for an association of some five emerging global economies. The members of this association hail from developing countries or the newly industrialised countries. The distinguishing factor is that these countries have fast growing economies and they hold great influence on both global and regional affairs (Pant, 2013). Despite the praise the BRICS get from their commentators, they have received criticism as well. For instance, they are said to be defenders as well as promoters of developing states. BRICS is likely to face some issues in the coming decade due to a number of factors. For example, the West is yet to accept that the group is running by itself. With the creation of BRICS development bank, western analysts cited that BRICS states were very different and therefore could never agree. The other issue within the BRICS is the quantity of the stated issues in the Fortaleza Declaration as well as the Action Plan (Stuenkel, 2014). This is because some parts of the document were largely criticised. One scholar Alan Alexandroff wrote that the group was â€Å"almost breathtaking chutzpah† in condemnation of the groups’ unilateral action. He argued that â€Å"no state should

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The history of united states Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The history of united states - Essay Example These differences emerge in terms of technological, cultural, and artistic change. History of the United States: Technological, Cultural, and Artistic Change The nature of progress throughout time is one of the fundamental differentiating factors between historical eras. While scholars contend that cultural and technological progress has been relatively uniform throughout human history, the explosion of industrial and digital technology throughout the 20th century constituted some of the most noticeable change in terms of lifestyle and culture. Indeed, an examination of the 20th century is impossible without an analysis of the significant progress that was achieved during the century. Through contrasting life during World War I and World II with life today, this essay constitutes a broad ranging investigation of technological, cultural, and artistic change within the United States. ... Life in the United States in 1911 lacked both modern radios and televisions (LeFeber). While radios existed during this period, it wasn’t until 1916 that the first radio emerged where individuals could change the station, greatly expanding the nature of entertainment and radio communication (LeFeber). There were no televisions or computers during this period of American history. One considers that without such technology the means of gaining news of significant cultural events could only be gained from newspapers. Similarly, it was very difficult to remain in contact with family or friends living long distances away, as modern telephone technology and email did not yet exist. In terms of movies, while by World War II there emerged sound films, individuals living at 1911 only could watch silent films. Another important technological consideration occurred in terms of transportation. While the first airplane had been invented at the early part of the 20th century, it wasnâ€℠¢t until 1919 that the first commercial flights emerged, and not until many years later that they would become an affordable option for most Americans (LeFeber). Of course, neither people living during World War I or World War II experienced aeronautical space shuttle technology. When considering technology in terms of lifestyle in 2011 United States it’s clear significant progress has been made since World War II. One considers one of the major changes being the ways that technological progress has changed the way people in American society interact. Today the emergence of social media technology has profoundly changed the way that people interact. Internet sites such as Facebook have made staying in contact with old friends and family as easy as walking to a computer. Similarly economic

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Showing Respect Essay Example for Free

Showing Respect Essay As teachers, usually we have to deal with a lot of things, such as yelling in the classroom, running in the halls and the lack of respect. Nowadays, disrespect is filling our classrooms and parents do not do anything to put a stop to the situation. As teachers or human beings we do not have to confuse respect with fear, because our work is to give tools and knowledge to our students, not frighten them. Kids are not showing any type of respect to teachers. Being in front of the class to communicate with your students might be a really strong task, especially if your students do not pay any attention to you. But, what should we do? Should we yell at them? Would that change something? Respect is not about being afraid of the teacher. Bueno (2009) once wrote â€Å"A child may obey you simply because he is afraid of you. However, when a child understands that your rules and disciplinary actions are ultimately for his own good, he will obey you because he respects you. † It is really important for our students to understand why they should or should not do something. If the learn how to respect to others, they would be able to communicate with others throughout their lifetime. When I was in front of the classroom, I try as hard as I could to be supportive to my students, but sometimes they think you only want to dig on their lives. Usually when kids show strange behaviours they are looking for some attention or they have trouble at their home. If the kid do not show any respect, neither would do the teacher, or at least it would be more difficult to keep calm and maintain a good environment in the classroom. Kids would make everything to make me feel powerless, defeated and everything will make me lose my mind. So I start wondering what is going on or how they behave in their houses. The problem might be there. Schutte (2008) explained â€Å"Parents have to pick their battles. If your child wants to wear a shirt/skirt combo that makes her look like she dressed herself in a dark closet, you may ask yourself if its worth fighting her to get her to change her duds. On the other hand, if she wants to spend time with a boy in a dark closet, you might want to make a big deal out of that. The battles that you choose to fight will directly affect your childs level of isbehaviour. † You may ask why you want to do this, but clothes are not as important as dating a boy. So, either option is just to gain attention. If we find the root of the behaviour of the students is a family problem, we, as people, have two choices, work for them or keep against them. Either kids want attention or they are having problems in their house. We, as teachers, only have one option. Help them. Every time I see a troublesome kid I get instantly attached to him or her. I try to get close to them; to their friends and find out what can I do for them. Rich (1998) wrote† In this complex world, it takes more than a good school to educate children. And it takes more than a good home. It takes these two major educational institutions working together. † Without the parents’ support, you will be stuck in that spot. So we have to get the family involved in the learning process to reach out the success the children may achieve. I always work for the children’s success through the respect and I really expect he same from them. Our job as teachers is more than just give away contents. It is about giving lessons of life and spreading some values that might be helpful for them in their lifetime. That is our goal; show them they could be better. Explain them how great can they be, or how far they might go with just a little bit of work, not only with themselves, but also with their families. We just might be proud of them when we could see what they have accomplished and think that we were involved in their success.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Photography Review Essay example -- essays research papers

Photography Review Joel Meyerowitz spent the summer of 1976 and 1977 taking magnificent photographs, which he later published in 1997 in a book called â€Å"Cape light.† These photographs were taken in Cape Cod, Massachusetts around the Truro-Provincetown area in the summer. His book is full of marvelous photographs, which depict a typical summer up on the Cape. These pictures may seem beautiful to anyone. However, these pictures possess more meaning to anyone who has ever lived on Cape Cod or visited Cape Cod. Cape Cod is one of the most beautiful and meaningful places to me. From the time I was a baby on, my family and I have spent many wonderful summer in the Cape. My parent, have been going to Cape Cod, Massachusetts since they were first married. When I think of Cape Cod, the first thing that comes to my mind are memories of the same old little beach cottage my family has rented year after year. I think of Cape Cod and thoughts fill my head with the beach, water, sand, beach cottages, and hot summer days. When I look at Joel Meyerowitz’s book the photos almost come to life. The color and images are so real. The same thoughts that I have for the water, sand, and beach are expressed in Meyerowitz’s photos.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Joel Meyerowitz took his photographs with an 8†x10† view camera. The prints were in full size, made directly from the negatives without any kind of changes or manipulations. Joel Meyerowitz’s is a pictorialist. His picture are taken of scenery...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Psychology of Alcohol Essay

The word â€Å"impulsivity† means the inability for one to control his or her actions (the loss of choice). The impulsion to consume alcohol spans across all age groups and all sexes. This is caused by both physical and psychological conditions ranging from peer pressure to depression. It has since become a very serious problem contributing to a large number of deaths within the society. Psychology of Alcohol   Theory Experimental Setup and Procedures Result and Discussions References Appendix Psychology of Alcohol Use 4 Introduction This report is prepared to prove the psychological relationship between impulsivity and alcohol use. Impulsivity is a type of behaviour where a person acts on reflex rather than on controlled thought . It is usually manifested as an unconscious action and usually the person is not aware that he/she is doing anything. Alcohol use is the act of consuming alcohol regardless of the amount taken or applied. When there is a high impulsivity level for alcohol in an individual it leads to a condition called alcoholism. Theory The relationship between impulsivity and alcohol use is correlational and is caused by numerous factors. Psychology of Alcohol Use 5 Physical Factors Gender Men drink more and have more alcohol consumption problem than women. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2005) In 2000, the American Psychological Association (APA) did a representative survey of 42,862 adults to prove that men have a higher alcohol dependency than women. Biological factors Genetics A meta-analysis of 38 studies found that women are more likely than men to report health problems when they have a history of out-of-control drinking, alcoholism, or alcohol abuse (Fillmore et al. , 1997). Psychological Factors Peer Pressure In a national survey of 20,000 teenagers, 80% of them claimed they started drinking due to pressure from friends. Psychology of Alcohol Use 6 Results American Psychological Association [APA], 2000) criteria to diagnose alcohol dependence, found a lifetime prevalence for alcohol dependence of 18. 6% among men and 8. 4% among women (Grant, 1997). There is a clear relationship between the people’s impulsion and the use of alcohol. It has been noted that there is a correlational relationship between a person’s impulsivity towards alcohol and the amount of alcohol consumed (the higher one’s impulsivity rate the more alcohol is consumed). It has also been noticed that one’s compulsion to consume alcohol is dependent on various factors one of which is gender. This is because men drink more and have more alcohol- related problems than women (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2005) Conclusion There is a clear relationship between impulsivity and alcohol use. Judging from the experiments this relationship is caused by various factors. Psychology of Alcohol Use 7 References Grant, (1997). Possible Contributors to the Gender Differences in Alcohol Use and Problems

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Illegal Immigration Issues

Illegal Immigration Issues 1 Marcus Hallett AP Human Geography Immigration Essay 07 February 2011 How Should Politicians Decide on Illegal Immigration Issues? In the United States, immigration policy decisions are capable of gaining or costing this country trillions of dollars. Political choices now could change the future of millions of lives. Choices opposing immigration could cost the U. S. countless jobs, including those of native U. S. citizens and naturalized immigrants. Consider how Texas, Connecticut, Florida, and North Dakota handle this controversial issue. First, consider how Texas, a state on the Mexico-U. S. order, deals with immigration issues. It is estimated that 1. 7 million unauthorized immigrants reside in the state of Texas. (CNN, 2010) The state is currently considering new laws to require all immigrants to have proof of citizenship on their person at all times. This would also allow law enforcement officers to arrest anyone appearing to be from another country ( racial profiling) who do not carry citizenship papers with them. (The Huffington Post, 2010) Judging from local comments on the NBC Dallas-Fort Worth political news page, the overall view from citizens and politicians alike seems to be against immigration. NBC Dallas-Fort Worth, 2010) Now consider the immigration laws in Connecticut. In the city of New Haven, beginning in 2007, illegal immigrants were able to obtain ID cards from the local government. New Haven Illegal Immigration Issues 2 was the first United States city to offer this. (US Immigraton Support)Also in 2007, Connecticut became the eleventh state to offer illegal immigrants that graduate from high school eligibility to pay the in-state resident tuition to attend any of the state’s public colleges. Medina, 2007) This shows that the government in Connecticut seems to be fairly tolerant of illegal immigration and may be inclined to vote for immigration reform in support of increased immigration and naturalization. Next, look at immigration policies in Florida. Due to its proximity to the Caribbean and other Atlantic islands large numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal, reside in the state. In late 2010 the Florida government proposed a law requiring law enforcement to check for valid citizenship on anyone thought to be an unauthorized immigrant when stopped for violation of another law. Liston, 2010) This shows that Florida’s government is becoming less passive on how it treats illegal immigration issues. Now, consider immigration in North Dakota. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services estimates that there are fewer than 2,500 illegal immigrants in the state. (StateMaster. com)North Dakota, therefore, may have a more open viewpoint on the subject. When making decisions on immigration, politicians should take into consideration how their decisions affect people’s lives. If large scale raids occur it can cause psychological trauma to the families of those ar rested and deported. Notice what one author has to say on the matter: Raids inevitably affect kids†¦ Most of these kids are U. S. citizens and most are 10 and under. After a large-scale raid, community members scramble to find and rearrange care for the children†¦ Some immigrant families hid in their homes and basements for Illegal Immigration Issues 3 days or weeks following the raids because they were afraid†¦[These] experiences induce emotional and psychological problems, and behavioral changes like changing sleep patterns, loss of appetite, and more aggressive behaviors. In the most serious cases, they experience depression, separation anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicidal thoughts. (Casteneda, 2007) Another thing politicians should consider when voting upon immigration laws is the economy. According to the American Immigration Council if unauthorized immigrants were legalized it could result in the US Gross Domestic Product to increase by at least . 84 percent. This would also INCREASE the number of jobs available in the US. Mass deportation of illegal immigrants could result in the United States Gross Domestic Product being reduced by 1. 6 percent. Over ten years this would amount to a loss of $2. 6 trillion. The Center for American Progress estimates that over a five year timespan the total cost of mass deportation would amount to $206 – 230 billion. (Immigration Policy Center and Center for American Progress, 2010) These choices also affect the workforce. If all immigrant dairy workers in the United States were removed, the U. S. economic output would be reduced by $22 billion, and 133,000 workers would lose their jobs, including legalized and native-born citizens. National Milk Producers Federation, 2009) It is evident that choices made within the next few years can shape the United States population, economy, and culture. If this key issue is not handled properly it could cost trillions of dollars, plunging the United States even deeper into debt. If politicians put aside their xenophobic, prejudice views and overly partisan stances and work together, this country could be Illegal Immigration Issues 4 pulled out of this deep recession and could become a strong, economically powerful force for peace. Illegal Immigration Issues References Casteneda, R. (2007, December 6). Five Questions for Rosa Castaneda. Retrieved from http://www. urban. org/toolkit/fivequestions/RCastaneda. cfm CNN. (2010, February 10). Fewer unauthorized immigrants in U. S. in 2009, government says. News, . Retrieved February 6, 2 011, from http://articles. cnn. com/2010-0210/us/illegal. immigrants_1_unauthorized-population-unauthorized-immigrants-pewhispanic-center-report? _s=PM:US Liston, B. (2010, August 11). Florida AG proposes tougher illegal immigrant curbs. Reuters. Orlando. Retrieved from http://www. euters. com/article/2010/08/11/us-usa-immigrationflorida-idUSTRE67A2XS20100811 Medina, J. (2007, June 2). Bill to Reduce Tuition for Illegal Immigrants Passes in Connecticut. The New York Times. New York. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2007/06/02/nyregion/02conn. html? _r=1 National Milk Producers Federation. (2009). THE ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF IMMIGRATION ON U. S. DAIRY FARMS (Survey). Retrieved from http://www. nmpf. org/files/file/NMPF%20Immigration%20Survey%20Web. pdf NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. (2010, April 28). Texas Rep Wants to Import AZ Immigration Law. NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. News, . Retrieved February 6, 2011, from http://www. nbcdfw. com/news/politics/Rep-Wants-AZ-Immigration-Law-in-Texas92305354. html StateMaster. com. (n. d. ). Estimated number of Illegal Immigrants (most recent) by state. StateMaster. com. Retrieved February 6, 2011, from Illegal Immigration Issues 6 http://www. statemaster. com/graph/peo_est_num_of_ill_imm-people-estimated-numberillegal-immigrants#source The Huffington Post. (2010, November 10). Texas Immigration Law Under Proposal Would Resemble Arizona? s Hard-Line Approach. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2010/11/10/texas-immigration-law-wou_n_780933. html US Immigraton Support. (n. d. ). Immigration to Connecticut. US Immigraton Support. Retrieved February 6, 2011, from http://www. usimmigrationsupport. org/connecticut. html Marcus Hallett Digitally signed by Marcus Hallett DN: CN = Marcus Hallett, OU = Comodo Trust Network – PERSONA NOT VALIDATED Reason: I am the author of this document Location: Morristown, Tennessee, USA Date: 2011. 02. 06 21:51:47 -05'00'  © 2012 Marcus Hallett. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Format Papers in MLA and APA

How to Format Papers in MLA and APA MLA and APA Essay Formatting Tips Writing services are growing in popularity among both students and authors seeking for a job. Becoming a professional essay writer looks impossible without knowing how to organize and format texts in all major academic styles. Knowing how to write a good essay is not enough to get scholarship as well as well-aid writing job. You are supposed to be an expert when it comes to formatting papers in APA, MLA, Chicago or any other style. Benefit from our simple guide on how to organize papers in MLA and APA. MLA formatting tips We should start with the core structural elements. Introduction is the first paragraph in your paper followed by the thesis statement. It should contain the following: Transition and the topic sentence; Arguments, proofs and evidence; A hook or a sentence that will wrap up the topic. Once you are done with the main paragraphs and conclusion, you need to handle the reference page featuring works cited. Use Times of Roman font type. The size is generally 12pt. Italic fonts are used to add some contrast where necessary. Start each new paragraph with eh 0.5-inch indents, while the text itself should have one-inch margins with double-spacing. Make sure each page of your essay has a header containing your name and the number that refers to the page. Do not create a separate title page when it comes to MLA style, unless it is indicated in the requirements to the assignment. Ensure a proper first page format with indicated author and instructor’s names in addition to date and title in the center of the page. The in-text citation should include the source name and the number of page. Do not put commas between them. APA formatting tips The core structural elements of the APA style include: A Title Page; An Essay Abstract; Body Paragraphs; A Reference List. You should place the abstract before the introduction paragraph. Place it on a separate page centralized and typed in Times New Romans 12pt. Make sure the abstract does not exceed 200 words with double-spacing. The intro comes as a brief summary of the major work where you need to highlight the key points of the essay. It should also cover the key aspects and claim disputes. The conclusion is not just a summary of the paper. It is supposed to encourage readers for further exploration and examination of the areas related to the topic. Include each and every source you cite in the reference list. The text size is generally 12pt. Italic fonts are used to add some contrast where necessary. Start each new paragraph with eh 0.5-inch indents, while the text itself should have one-inch margins with double-spacing. Do not create a separate title page when it comes to MLA style, unless it is indicated in the requirements to the assignment. Indicate the running head of the essay on the first page in addition to a full student’s name. Formatting in-text citations is a bit more complicated if compared with MLA. Here you need ti indicate the name of the author in addition to date of publication, page number. Commas should divide each point.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition of Deliberative Rhetoric

Definition of Deliberative Rhetoric Deliberative rhetoric (from the Greek- rhetor: orator,  tekhne: art), also known as  legislative rhetoric  or  deliberative discourse,  is  speech or writing that attempts to persuade  an audience to take- or not take- some action.  According to Aristotle, the  deliberative  is  one of the three major branches of  rhetoric. (The other two branches are judicial  and epideictic.)   Whereas judicial  (or forensic) rhetoric is primarily concerned with past events, deliberative discourse, says Aristotle, always advises about things to come. Political oratory and debate fall under the category of deliberative rhetoric.​ Deliberative Rhetoric Deliberative rhetoric, says A.O. Rorty, is directed to those who must decide on a course of action (members of the assembly, for instance), and is typically concerned with what will turn out to be useful (sumpheron) or harmful (blaberon) as means to achieve specific ends  in matters of defense, war and peace, trade, and legislation (The Directions of Aristotles Rhetoric in  Aristotle: Politics, Rhetoric and Aesthetics,  1999). Use of Deliberative Rhetoric    ArgumentArtistic Proofs and Inartistic ProofsThe Art of PersuasionExhortation Aristotle on Deliberative Rhetoric    [In Aristotles Rhetoric,] the deliberative rhetor must exhort or persuade his audience, his speech is addressed to a judge of the future, and its end is to promote the good and avoid the harmful. Deliberative rhetoric concerns contingencies within human control. The deliberative orator addresses topics such as war and peace, national defense, trade, and legislation, in order to assess what is harmful and beneficial. Accordingly, he must grasp the relationships between various means and the ends of experience and happiness. (Ruth CA Higgins, The Empty Eloquence of Fools: Rhetoric in Classical Greece. Rediscovering Rhetoric: Law, Language, and the Practice of Persuasion, ed. by Justin T. Gleeson and Ruth Higgins. Federation Press, 2008)     Deliberative rhetoric is  concerned with future events; its action is exhortation or dissuasion...Deliberative rhetoric is about expediency, that is, it is concerned with the means to happiness rather than with what happiness actually is; the special topics which inform debate about this represent what can be described as the Good, with what brings happiness.  (Jennifer Richards, Rhetoric. Routledge, 2008)   Deliberative Argument as Performance A good deliberative argument is a carefully timed performance. Unlike a work of exposition, which allows, indeed often invites, the reader to pause and study some part of it at his leisure, a deliberative argument gives the illusion of a controlled, generally increasing momentum, and its effect can be ruined by an interruption. The speaker uses every possible means to jog our attention- exclamations, apostrophes, questions, gestures- and to spur us ever forward, not only with series of tapered expressions but also by means of stimulating suspensions...Our speakers purpose is not so much to induce or enable us to remember the parts of his argument as to inspire us to cast a favorable vote when hands are to be counted: movere  [to move] rather than docere [to teach]. (Huntington Brown, Prose Styles: Five Primary Types. University  of Minnesota Press, 1966) The Primary Appeals of Deliberative Discourse All deliberative discourses are concerned with what we should choose or what we should avoid...Are there some common denominators among the appeals that we use when we are engaged in exhorting someone to do or not to do something, to accept or to reject a particular view of things? There are indeed. When we are trying to persuade people to do something, we try to show them that what we want them to do is either good or advantageous. All of our appeals in this kind of discourse  can be reduced to these two heads: (1) the worthy (dignitas) or the good (bonum) and (2) the advantageous or expedient or useful (utilitas)... Whether we lean heaviest on the topic of the worthy or the topic of the advantageous will depend largely on two considerations: (1) the nature of our subject, (2) the nature of our audience. It should be obvious that some things are intrinsically more worthy than others.(Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 1999) Pronunciation: di-LIB-er-a-tiv

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Human Resources - Essay Example This paper is going to unveil various recommendations for how organization should staff its operations by focusing on decisions pertaining to staffing levels and quality. Taking into account the Tanglewood case study, which is a chain of retail stores featuring items such as clothing, appliances, electronics, and decor we realise that Tanglewood retail stores have taken into consideration the aspect of quality, durability and as well taking care of the customer’s preferences. For an organization such as Tangle to staff its operations by focusing on decisions pertaining to staffing levels and quality, a mission statement should be availed to act as guidance as far as effective service delivery is of concern. A mission is termed as an action statement that gives customers an overview on how the prevailing organization like in our case Tanglewood works towards realizing its vision. Tanglewood have executed its mandate through visionary actions and this is evidence through its statement that states that â€Å"We are committed as a company to providing maximum value to our customers, shareholders, and employees. We will accomplish this goal by adhering to the core values of responsible financial management, clear and honest communication, and always keeping performance and customer service in the forefront† Every emerging business globally is characterized by a dream and a vision. In order to progress and grow financial for the purpose of profit maximization, it is not the matter of summing up money but incurs taking into consideration customers preferences and serving them well (Rothwell, and Stavros, and Sullivan, and Sullivan, 23-27). For an organization such Tanglewood to succeed well, core values should be unveiled. The aspect of underpin works when the prevailed philosophy of business is taken into account and core principals executed as well. Going by the history of Tanglewood, its process of growth has been quick in the last 5 years. Various reason

Friday, November 1, 2019

Reflective Thinking. Easy Jet on airline markets. PESTEL And SWOT Essay

Reflective Thinking. Easy Jet on airline markets. PESTEL And SWOT Analysis - Essay Example This step involves revisiting experiences and knowledge with respect to the topic in question and why and how one performs the task. It involves examination of values, beliefs, assumptions and attitudes. Reflective thinking helps clarify and recognise the connection between what one knows and learns (TLC, 2008). Figure 1: The Thinking Process (Source: TLC, 2008) The reflective report prepared aims to demonstrate my knowledge derived from the projects on Easy Jet and various sections like business environment, PESTEL, Porters Five Forces and other relevant theories which were used in the project. Findings from the Report Based on the project made on Easy Jet, I have found that Easy Jet is regarded as a low-cost operator and is performing well in Europe. It operates internationally and also in a domestic airline market. It aims to becomes the best and the cheapest airline operator in the world. The airline faces tough challenges from its competitors such as Ryanair, British Airlines an d others. One great impact which I have noticed is that with the coming up of low-cost airlines, travellers prefer to travel by air rather than by bus, train or other means of transport. However, it should also be noted that along with low prices the airline should also be able to provide a level of comfort for the passengers so that the passengers feel comfortable while travelling, and I think the airline will be able to retain its customers in a positive way. I have analysed the business environment with the help of tools like PESTEL analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces along with operational management, supply chain and micro economic factors. In the process of using Porter’s Five Forces – a tool taking into consideration five important forces and helping determine the level of attractiveness in a particular industry – it was learned that the airline industry cannot be considered to be attractive because of the many unfavourable economic conditions pr evailing in the airline industry. The cost of entering is high and maintenance of airline is also a costly affair (on the other hand, it reduces the threat from new entrants in the airline industry). The bargaining power of buyers has the potential to result in a threat because of the competitive price offered by other airlines. It has also been seen that a threat of substitute is pretty high, as with the existence of other transport means such as buses, trains, cars, etc, passengers prefer to travel rather than to spend almost the same or a slightly higher amount on more expensive means of transport. Reflective Statement While conducting the analysis, I have learned that the above tools form an integral part of any analysis and have helped me understand the impact of various factors on the organisation. The first framework which I have used to analyse the airline industry is PESTEL analysis; this is because PESTEL takes into account the industry as a whole and analyzes political fa ctors which might impact the industry, as well as economic, social, technological, environmental and, lastly, legal factors. Why PESTEL Analysis? PESTEL gives an overview of the industry and is necessary to conduct, as it helps organisation to take the advantage of the opportunities; it also has the potential to minimise the threats. In the process of conducting the project, I have understood that PESTEL analysis can be carried out in relation to any form of business and industry, and it is one of the most important tools through which the companies evaluate the external environment and make necessary changes to fit the competitive environment and to survive in it.